Varieties of Narcissism

Varieties of Narcissism

How narcissistic are you? That’s a great question. And the answer, at least according to scientists, is not so simple. We have found three completely different measures of narcissism from different scientific groups. So, rather than offering just one measure as the one true measure of narcissism, we are offering you all three. Each test of narcissism comes out of a different tradition, so each one asks slightly different questions ranging from normal personality traits to clinical measures of narcissism. So, if you are really curious about narcissism, take all three and find out where you stand. You may be surprised by your results.

The following questionnaires should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. When you are done, you will receive detailed feedback about your narcissism scores and how your scores compare with others who have taken the survey. This survey is provided for educational purposes only.

You will need JavaScript enabled in order for the application to function correctly. (Please don't click through the answers too quickly. There have been reports of the script malfunctioning and not providing feedback when that happens.)